Il terzo meeting del progetto ESC-tension alla Humboldt University di Berlino

29 04 2022

Il terzo meeting del progetto ESC-tension alla Humboldt University di Berlino

Lo scorso 22 aprile si è svolto a Berlino il terzo meeting del progetto ESC-tension, ospitato dalla Humboldt University, con la presenza di tutte le istituzioni partner provenienti da Polonia, Irlanda, Spagna, Francia, Germania e naturalmente Italia.

ESC-Tension con Fondazione ENDISU al Forum EC2U

11 04 2022

ESC-Tension con Fondazione ENDISU al Forum EC2U

Il 7 aprile u.s. Fondazione ENDISU ha portato l'esperienza di ESC-tension al quarto Forum del consorzio di EC2U presso l’Università di Pavia, importante occasione per massimizzare le sinergie tra gli attori del settore e tra i progetti già esistenti, contribuendo al raggiungimento degli obiettivi comuni promossi dalla Commissione Europea.

National ESC-tension platforms now online!

4 03 2022

National ESC-tension platforms now online!

The ESC-tension project has just published the multilingual network of web platforms that will become the national focal points for Higher Education Institutions willing to implement the ESC - European Student Card.

ESC-tension 2nd project meeting in Malaga

16 10 2021

ESC-tension 2nd project meeting in Malaga

On 15 October 2021 the University of Malaga organised the second meeting of the ESC-tension project, thanks to the coordination of the Business Organisation lecturer, Ana María Castillo. This project, which has been developed through monthly virtual meetings until now, is approaching the end of its first year with relevant results.

Latest project updates!

6 10 2021

Latest project updates!

The ESC-tension project goes towards the end of its first year and further relevant outcomes are getting real.

The ESC-tension project publishes its Profiling Tool

25 06 2021

The ESC-tension project publishes its Profiling Tool

The ESC-tension project has recently published its Profiling Tool: go check it out on ESC-tension, on the “Outputs” page.

Kick-off meeting for the new ESC-tension project

29 01 2021

Kick-off meeting for the new ESC-tension project

On 11 December, ENDISU Foundation organised the Kick-off Meeting of ESC-tension - European Student Card Extension and Adoption, the new project coordinated by the institution in the Erasmus Plus area.

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