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Card Toolbox

The Card Toolbox aims at facilitating the Universites to follow the ESC adaption process .

The Toolbox will provide information tailored to the actual state of art of the adaption path simplifying the process of adopting the ESC.

Legal Representative: decide to adopt the ESC and appoints the Admins.
Functional Admin: validate the account and adapt layout and procedures

Technical Admin: implement the registration process.

Functional Admin access the ESC router at

router.europeanstudentcard.eu and asks the National Coordinator for validation.

No registration is needed if your institution is federated with EDUGain: you can use your existing account.

Functional Admin adapts the existing campus card layout, adding the ESC Hologram and the QR Code containing the ESC-N ( Card UUID generated according with RFC 4122 )

Functional Admin evaluates internal card management procedures and applies changes when needed. You can start assessing your as-is scenario using the free online Profiling Tool available here www.esc-tension.eu/profilingtool.

Technical Admin implements the registration process, used to create,

update and remove ESC Cards from the ESC router. Students’ privacy is preserved as only the email address and the European Student ID (ESI) are sent to the router. Students can decide to opt out any time.

Click on the button below to start using the Toolbox. You can provide us with your email address, if you wish to receive the results in your inbox.

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