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Profiling Tool
  • Welcome
  • University
  • 1. Services (Org. & Admin.)
  • 2. Services (Tech.)
  • 3. Cards (Org. & Admin.)
  • 4. Cards (Tech.)
  • A. University context
  • B. National context
    • Summary

    A few more things to know before you get started!


    We’ve summed up all the questions that will be asked in the form in this document.


    We suggest you to use this document in order to collect in advance all the required information from your colleagues in other departments, if not available yet.

    Once all the replies to the questions asked in the profiling tool have been collected, the estimated time to fill in the online questionnaire is 10 mins approximately.


    After having completed the survey, you will receive an email which will describe your ‘as-is’ scenario based on your replies.


    The Profiling Tool covers all the dimensions of the Multidimensional Matrix represented in the image below.



    In case you need any clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.



    Thank you in advance for your time!

    By completing this Profiling Tool I declare that I have read and accepted the Privacy and cookie policy

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