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Kick-off meeting for the new “ESC-tension 2” project

On 27 November 2023, the Erasmus Student Network and Fondazione ENDISU organised the Kick-off Meeting of the new project “ESC-tension 2 – Accelerating the ESC adoption in the EEA”.


Funded by the KA2 Cooperation partnerships in Higher Education, and coordinated by Fondazione ENDISU, the project officially started on 1 November 2023 and will end on 30 April 2026, for an overall duration of 30 months.


Starting from a complete analysis of the the “student journey”, ESC-tension2 aims to raise students’ awareness on the ESC potential, providing them with training packages and operational tools that will guide and encourage them to use the ESC concretely .


The kick-off meeting was hosted by the Erasmus Student Network at their headquarters in Brussels. Besides the hosting partner and Fondazione ENDISU (Italy), four more partners from four different European countries joined the meeting: the International Student Identity Card Association – ISIC (Denmark), the University of Aveiro (Portugal), the Normandie University (France) and the European Campus Card Association – ECCA (Ireland).

The kick-off meeting gave the partners the opportunity to have an overview of all the Work Packages contents, the tasks and the next steps to take straight away to get the project actually started.

During the meeting the partners discussed the impact and dissemination topics, as well as the main administrative, financial and organizational aspects of the project, which recently went through some significant innovation.

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