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Benefits for Students

The ESC-tension project relies on the importance of promoting the ESC recognition by the Student Service Providers, so that it represents a tangible benefit for all students, especially the ones joining a mobility program.

For this reason, ESC-tension gives all the Service Providers recognising the ESC the possibility to apply for a dedicated register. As follows, you can check the services that can be interesting for your student experience and explore in details the benefits available for you.

Please consider that the register was launched in November 2022 and is constantly updated and expanded.

Residenza Gasparini

Service type: Campus residency
Address: Via dell’Anselma, 7 – Piacenza – Italy
Service provider name: EDUCatt
Service provider website: https://www.collegiunicattolica.it/residenze/residenza-gasparini/
Description of the service and conditions to access it for ESC students: 

Students’ single lodgings with private bathroom are offered to the students recognised through their ESC for 80 € per night.
In order to verify availabilities and bookings, the students can send an email to segreteria.operativa.dsu@educatt.org in the 30 days preceding the date of arrival. The validity of the ESC will be checked on arrival at the reception. The guests who have an ESC which is not valid or available will be charged the standard fare of 120 € per night.

ESC recognition methodology: Visual recognition of the ESC logo printed on the Student Card, Reading of the QR Code on the Student Card

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